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Cephaloleia parenthesis Weise, 1904
Subfamily: CassidinaeGenus: Cephaloleia
Dark with reddish-yellow elytral vitta. Head: medial sulcus absent; vertex densely punctate, slightly depressed between eyes; frons reddish, lightly punctate. Antenna: antennomere 1 slightly elongate; 2 transverse, shorter than 1; 3 elongate, cylindrical, as long as 1; 4-5 cylindrical; rest missing. Pronotum: sparsely punctate; medial area behind apical margin punctate; lateral depression just behind midline on side; side margined, nearly straight for basal ⅔'rds, then convergent; anterior angle produced into blunt tooth; posterior angle acute; pronotal length 0.9 mm (n=1); pronotal width 1.1 mm. Scutellum: pentagonal; apex acute; micropunctate. Elytron: wider than base of pronotum; side smooth; slightly constricted behind humerus; expands to apex; apices cojointly rounded; reddish-brown with yellow parenthesis-shaped vitta; elytral length 3.0 mm; elytral width 1.6 mm. Venter: prosternum reddish-brown; meso- and metasterna reddish-brown medially, darker laterally; abdominal sterna 1-4 yellowish medially, darker laterally; sternite 5 totally dark, emarginate medially; all sterna hirsute; last sternite broadly emarginate in male, rounded truncate in female. Leg: reddish yellow. Total length: 4.3 mm.