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Cephaloleia ornata Waterhouse, 1881
Subfamily: CassidinaeGenus: Cephaloleia
Black, elytra yellow with dark stripe at base along suture, apical 1/5 black, small elongate black spot on side near middle; shining. Head: densely punctate; concave between eyes. Antenna: longer than head and pronotum combined; antennomere 1 longest, slightly incrassate; 2 ½ length 1; 3-5 cylindrical, decreasing in length; 6-10 transverse, subequal in length; 11 2x length 10, acutely pointed at apex. Pronotum: convex; lateral margin straight, reflexed; moderately, deeply punctate laterally, nearly impunctate on anterior margin; anterior angle obtuse, rounded; posterior angle acute; transverse basal impression present. Scutellum: pentagonal; smooth. Elytron: lateral margin straight, distinctly margined; apices cojointly rounded; humerus rounded, not produced; distinctly punctate-striate; slightly constricted behind humerus. Total length: 5.6 mm.