Cephaloleia opaca Baly, 1858
Subelongate; depressed; pale yellow, pleurae darker; venter pale yellowish. Head: smooth; finely not densely punctate; front with longitudinal carina between eyes. Antenna: robust; longer than head and pronotum combined; antennomeres short; 1 obovate, not incrassate, 2x longer than 2; 3 slightly longer than 2; 4-10 subequal in length; 11 2x length of 10, pointed at apex. Pronotum: transverse, twice as wide as long at base; lateral margin nearly straight basally, rounded and narrowed anteriorly, produced beyond anterior margin, margined; anterior angle obtuse; posterior angle acute; anterior margin excavated; convex; surface coarsely, deeply punctate, more dense laterally. Scutellum: triangular; smooth; impunctate. Elytron: elongate-ovate; lateral margin subparallel, margined; slightly flattened at suture; convex at side; sinuate behind humerus; interspaces laterally sulcate; suture below middle with indistinct dark spot; punctate-striate; punctures moderately impressed. Venter: last abdominal segment bisinuate in female. Total length: 6.75 mm.
Calathea ovata Lindl., C. virginalis Linden (Marantaceae) (Bondar 1940f, 1940g).