Cephaloleia nitida Uhmann, 1930
Elongate; parallel-sided; shining; dark metallic blue-black; palps and legs reddish-yellow. Head: finely punctate between eyes; keel present between antennal bases; medial sulcus absent. Antenna: reach beyond humerus; antennomeres cylindrical; longer than wide; 1 & 2 subequal in length; 3 as long as 1 & 2 combined; 4-5 subequal in length, each ¾ length of 3; 6-10 subequal in length; 11 2x length of 10, broadly rounded at apex; 1-2 punctate with scattered setae; 3-11 setose. Pronotum: transverse; lateral margin straight, diverging for basal 4/5 then rounded, finely margined; anterior angel rounded, not produced; posterior angle acute; basal margin bisinuate; surface strongly, sparsely punctate, medial line impunctate; transverse basal impression present medially. Scutellum: pentagonal; smooth. Elytron: lateral margin straight; rounded at apex; sutural tooth absent; constricted behind humerus; strongly punctate-striate. Venter: pro- and metasterna punctate laterally. Total length: 4.5 mm.
Argentina, Brazil (São Paulo).