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Cephaloleia proxima Baly, 1858
Subfamily: CassidinaeGenus: Cephaloleia
Elongate; reddish-yellow; antennae (except antennomere 1) black. Antenna: antennomere 1 slightly incrassate, longer than 2; 3 cylindrical, 2x length of 2; 4-10 cylindrical, subequal in length; 11 2x length of 10, pointed at apex. Head: medial sulcus present; vertex punctate. Pronotum: transverse; lateral margin canaliculate, straight for basal 4/5, rounded apically; anterior angle obtuse, produced; posterior angle acute; convex; smooth, finely punctate; basal impression absent. Scutellum: pentagonal; smooth. Elytron: lateral margin straight, canaliculate; apex rounded; apical margin with a few small serrate teeth; slightly convex; slightly flattened on disc; lateral margin sinuate below humerus. Venter: last abdominal sternite broadly emarginate, sinuate in middle in male; broadly truncate-emarginate in female. Total length 5.6-6.75 mm.