Cephaloleia pretiosa Baly, 1858
Elongate; head and pronotum black; pronotal margin, scutellum, legs, and elytra reddish-brown. Head: vertex punctate, slightly depressed between eyes; medial sulcus absent; frons not projecting. Antenna: ⅓ body length; subfiliform; antennomere 1 incrassate, longer than 2, subequal to 3; 2 transverse; 3 cylindrical; 4-10 transverse, decreasing in length; 11 pointed at apex, longer than proceding. Pronotum: subquadrate; punctate, less so on disc; side margined, canaliculate, paler than rest, nearly straight, slightly rounded, outer margins narrowly reflexed; anterior angle rounded, slightly produced; posterior angle acute; pronotal length 1.1-1.3 mm (n=20); pronotal width 1.7 mm. Scutellum: pentagonal, smooth; yellow. Elytron: wider than base of pronotum; side margined, smooth, straight; apices regularly rounded; with 11 puncture rows, row 1 abbreviated, punctures little impressed; puncture rows converge and unite at apex; humerus slightly produced, slightly carinate at base; elytral length 4.1 mm; elytral width 2.1 mm. Venter: prosternum reddish-brown, smooth in middle, darker and punctate at sides; meso- and metasterna totally reddish-brown, smooth in middle, punctate at sides; abdominal sterna 1 and 2 fused in middle; setose. Leg: first pair black, rest reddish-brown or all reddish-brown; tibia with setae on inner apex. Total length: 5.0-6.8 mm.
Heliconia sp. (Heliconicaeae) (McKenna and Farrell 2005); Calathea pulverulentus C. Presl. (Marantaceae), H. caltheta R. R. Smith, H. latispatha Benth., H. mariae Hook. (Meskins et al. 2008); H. wagneriana Peterson (Descampe et al. 2008) (Heliconiaceae).
Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
MUSEUM RECORDS: COSTA RICA: Alajuela- Finca La Selva, Sarapiquí, 1972 (FSCA). PANAMA: Bocas del Toro- 6 km N Punta Peña, V-27-1993 (AJGC, CDFA). Canal Zone- Jct. K-6 and K-9, May 22, 80 (EGCR); Las Cascadas (USNM); Madden Forest, August 2, 1970, 28 Sept '69 (CMNC), 14 July 1976 (USNM), 6 Mar '71, 2 Nov. '73, 25 June 76 (EGRC); Madden Rd., 27 Feb 1959 (FSCA). Chiriquí- Reserva Fortuna, Fortuna Dam, V-29-1993 (CDFA); Reserva La Fortuna, Hydrographic sta. trail, V-28-1993 (AJGC, EGRC). Coclé- Cerro Gaital, VI-1-1993 (CDFA); rd N Cerro Gaital, May 15, 1980 (EGRC). Colón- Alhajuela, Apr 5.11 (USNM); Gamboa, VI-44 (CASC), 18 June '76 (EGRC); Gamboa, Pipeline Rd., July 1967 (USNM); Gatun, 22.VIII.1970 (USNM); Las Cruces, 4-II-11 (USNM); Porto Bello, Mar 14.11, Mar 2.11 (USNM); Paraiso, Jan 27.11 (USNM). Panamá- Barro Colorado, 7-18-23 (USNM), April 22, 1929 (PSUC); Coco Solito Hospital, May 22, 1978 (USNM); Cerro Campana, VII-6-1974 (FSCA), May 11-15, 1980 (EGRC), V-17-1993, VI-2-1993 (CDFA); Cristobal, VII-19-34 (CASC); Diablo Heights, Feb 20 '71 (EGRC); Ft. Clayton, IX-44 (CASC); Fort Kobbe, 15 June 1976 (USNM), 1 May '71, 2 May '71, 6 June 76, 8 June 76, 15 June 1976, 20 June 1976 (EGRC), V-22-1993 (AJGC, CDFA); Ft. Sherman, 19-I-1980 (EGRC); Llano-Carti rd nr Jct. main hwy, V-18-1993 (EGRC); 0.5 mi S Palo Seco, 20.xii.1969 (CHAH); Panama Road leading to La Pita signal station, 27 Feb 1971, 6 Feb 1971, 8 June 76, 18 June 76 (EGRC); 9 km N El Llano, V-18-1993 (AJGC); Old Gamboa Road, VI-4-1993 (CDFA); Panama City (USNM); Pipeline Rd., 21 June 1993 (SEMC); Pedro Miguel, 17.4.11 (USNM); Powerline Road, 29-X-1972 (FSCA); Summit, IX-1946 (USNM)Reserva Sobrina, Pipeline road, V-23-1993 (CDFA).