Cephaloleia lateralis Baly, 1886
GUATEMALA: Baja Verapaz- Pancina (BMNH).
GUATEMALA: Baja Verapaz- Pancina (BMNH).
Small; sides of pronotum and elytra yellowish, center dark brownish. Head: vertex punctate; medial sulcus absent; frons not projecting; eyes pale, margined in black. Antenna: filiform; more than ½ body length; cylindrical; antennomere 1 transverse, short, ¾'ths length 2, paler than remaining; 2 transverse, longer than 1; 3 cylindrical, as long as 1-2 combined; 4-5 subequal in length, ¾'ths length 3. Pronotum: wider than long; convex; finely punctate, more dense on disc; medial black wedge-shaped macula from base to apex, widest at base, narrows anteriorly; side straight for basal ⅔'rds, then rounded and convergent; anterior angle produced, rounded; posterior angle acute; pronotal length 1.5 mm (n=1); pronotal width 0.8 mm. Scutellum: pentagonal; micropunctate; dark brown. Elytron: wider than base of pronotum; side smooth, dilated, slightly reflexed; apices rounded, cojointly subangulate, emarginate in sutural angle; puncture rows moderately impressed, converge and unite on apical 1/5; convex, slightly flattened at suture; elytral length 3.7 mm; elytral width 2.0 mm. Venter: prosternum reddish-yellow in middle, dark laterally; mesosternum reddish-brown in middle, dark laterally; abdominal sterna 1 and 2 fused entire length; 3-5 with setae. Total length: 4.8 mm.